Today I’m posting another Lost success. This time is from Michael Emerson.
Michael Emerson is best known for his role as Benjamin Linus on Lost. Michael plays his character perfectly. Ben is a character who suffers several changes throughout the seasons. We first get to know him as Henry Gale, who supposedly got to the island in an air balloon. In reality, he got to the island while he was a child, with his father Roger who worked for Dharma Initiative. Later, he allies himself with the hostiles, and puts an end to the Dharma Initiative. From that point on, he got to be the leader of the well known “The Others”, till Oceanic Flight 815 crashes on the Island and problems start to occur.
Michael Emerson was great with the photos he autographed to me. He thanked me for the letter and wrote a nice inscription on one of the photos.
Namastê and Good Luck
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